
After we identify a data+AI opportunity with market-message fit, our first outside hire is a talented product-oriented co-founder.

The kernel of our success relies not just on process but on people: finding talented co-founders turns the super{set} flywheel.

Who We Look For

After we hire a co-founder, we don't just pour a scotch and sit back in an armchair. We stand at the whiteboard together.

We are looking for collaborators - true co-founders, not employees - that possess grit, humility, organized thinking, and clock speed.

Start A Company Like

super{set}-founded Habu, a leading data collaboration company, was acquired by LiveRamp for $200 million in 2024.

“Habu would not be where it is today without Tom, Vivek and the super{set} team. They helped set up the sockets with early technical and design decisions, helped bring on our early customers, and were there throughout the entire journey helping Matt and I make the right bets.” - Mike Moreau, co-founder of Habu

Read More About Habu's Successful Exit.

Co-founding at super{set}


Company-building from scratch is not for the meek of spirit. We look for co-founders that can show up and take a (figurative) punch. You need to be able to bend, flex, and revise. You will be told “no” dozens of times: you have to be steadfast and fierce in response.


Startups are built on strong convictions, loosely held. We look for co-founders that recognize they don’t have all the answers and are shameless in asking for help. You need to be flexible enough that you can acknowledge mistakes and course-correct.

Organized Thinking

Data technology is less about technical wizardry than the strategic planning of architecting a solution. We look for co-founders that have the ability to put things in their places, categorize and name them. You need to describe how product strategy can unfold in accessible fashion.

Clock Speed

Startups move fast and product build-out is often about combining new information in novel ways. We collaborate with co-founders that can quickly process the new information being thrown at them. You must keep-up with us, and we must keep up with you.

What Our Co-founders Do

The soil conditions for successful data+AI company building

We work together to make a seed stage formation opportunity sprout into a full-fledged data+AI product and company.

Complete Focus on Building Data+AI Product

We have a lot of experience in turning products into business success, but we need co-founders who can bring an early and intense focus to product build-out to stage and sequence a compelling solution we can successfully bring to market.

Authority as 
Co-founder with 

You are truly our co-founder. At first, we are hands-on collaborators: We will stand at the whiteboard with you to blueprint the solution. Later, we're still there as mentors when you need us most to help grow you along with the company.

Fully Funded Seed Stage Opportunities

As a co-founder, you will work beyond product: you will help recruit and manage the initial team, pitch and land the first customers, and do everything you can to make the company a success. However, and unlike becoming a solo-entrepreneur, you will not be distracted with early stage fundraising. As entrepreneurs with capital we fully seed fund the formation opportunity ourselves, and we participate meaningfully in later funding rounds as we bring outside investors onboard.

Get direction and magnitude for a startup
at super{set} VECTOR

Introducing a 12-week launchpad for technical product leaders to co-explore AI company opportunities alongside super{set}.

Co-found With Us

Are you an outstanding product leader looking to start the next big thing?